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ArchBp Clement

Archbishop Bishop Robert Mary Clement


Bishop Clement serves as local bishop and archbishop of the original American Catholic Church and the original Eucharistic Catholic Church.  He founded The Church of the Beloved Disciple in Manhattan (1968-1986),  the first major urban apostolic and sacramental work for the LGBT community in New York.


Bp Clement celebrates at a Celtic mass at 3pm each Sunday in the Blessed Disciple Chapel at the rear of the main N. New Hampshire campus in Hollywood.

Fr Tim

Rev. Dr. Tim Langdell, MDiv PhD pBCC


Fr. Tim is the parish priest at Church of the Beloved Disciple and ProCathedral in Hollywood, where the ACC is headquartered. Fr. Tim is also hospice chaplain and hospital palliative and pediatric chaplain, working at various locations in the Greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Fr. Tim also works with the homeless in LA, and is one of the priests in rotation for the weekly mass at Catholic Worker, skid row, Los Angeles. As well as being an ordained Catholic priest, Fr Tim is a long time practicioner of Zen Buddhism and teaches meditation, mindfullness based stress reduction and centering prayer. Fr. Tim celebrates at Church of the Beloved Disciple's 11am service each Sunday held in the chapel at Kaiser Hospital on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, and then at 1:30pm at the main N. New Hampshire location.

Rev Donna

Revs. Donna Owen & Amber Tidwell


Reverend Donna Owen and her wife and partner Reverend Amber Tidwell con-celebrate a contemporary Catholic Mass Every Saturday at 5:00 pm at the ACC St Francis Chapel in No. Hollywood.  Rev. Donna and Rev. Amber joined the ACC as American Catholic Priests in August 2015.

Additional Clergy 

Los Angeles and Northern California


Most Rev Adrian Ravarour, Metropolitan Bishop and Ordinary of the Thomasine Order, ACC and Eucharistic Catholic Church Bishop. No. California Mission. Instructor of Deep Prayer, Spiritual Meditation; Media coordinator.
Wrentham, Massachusetts
Most Rev. Mel Borham FCE, Ret. Thomasine Bishop's Council; Bishop of the East. Prayer warrior with people in deep need of prayer. Spiritual blogger, Franciscan spirituality. Spritual counselor for those seeking the faith of Christ and others.
Baltimore, Maryland

Fr. Aelred George (Greg) Cundiff. Fr Cundiff is an Air Force veteran. His spiritual interests are ministry of presence and contemplation. He conducts meditation groups for military veterans. He is currently laying groundwork for a community of the underserved chaplaincy.

Cortez, Colorado


Fr. Johnny Shepherd. Thomasine priest. Fr Johnny is a Vietnam veteran, and former Fire and Rescue Chaplain, available for weddings and funerals.


Greater Los Angeles 
Greater Los Angeles 

Church of the Beloved Disciple/ACC Pro Cathedral

1733 N. New Hampshire Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90027

(1 block west of Vermont, above Hollywood Blvd)

Main sanctury (doubles as Hollywood Lutheran Church)


11:00am Contemporary mass - Kaiser Sunset Chapel

4867 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90027

1:30pm Contemporary, Ecumenical, All Inclusive mass

in the main sanctuary at the N. New Hampshire campus.

Church of the Beloved Disciple at Hollywood Lutheran
Fr Tim presiding mass

Beloved Disciple Chapel

At the N. New Hampshire campus

In back of Hollywood Lutheran Church  (rear garden behind the gates)


3:00pm Celtic mass celebrated by Bp Clement

Blessed Disciple Chapel
No Hollywood 

St.  Francis of Assisi Chapel 

Located at MCC/UCC in the Valley,
5730 Cahuenga Blvd,
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Telephone: (818) 762-1133
Reverend Donna Owen and her wife and partner Reverend Amber Tidwell con-celebrate a contemporary Catholic Mass Every Saturday at 5:00 pm. Please join us at Christ's Table, all are welcome! For more information click the links below to contact us or visit our facebook group page.
St Francis Chapel at MCC in the Valley

© 2014 The American Catholic Church (1915)

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