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Currently Church of the Beloved Disciple has a number of ministries, and we are always seeking people to assist:


Children's Hospice

Fr. Tim is raising funding to create the first hospice facility anywhere in Southern Calfornia especially for dying children.


Working with the Homeless

Particularly with homeless children, and those living on the streets in Hollywood


Chaplaincy/Volunteer Pastoral Care

Fr. Tim is a hospital and hospice chaplain and is always seeking those willing to assist in this valuable work.


Spiritual Direction

Fr Tim is a certified Spiritual Director and is taking on further directees at this time. His directees are from a very wide range of backgrounds, some are Catholic or Christian, some Buddhist, some Sufi, others have no particular faith tradition but are spiritual seekers, on their path.



If you believe you are called to deaconate ordination or ordination to holy orders of priesthood, please contact us to discuss possible discernement,

© 2014 The American Catholic Church (1915)

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