Tim has been writing books since the early 1980s. His earlier books were on computer and videogame programming, whereas his more recent books are on Zen, spirituality and psychology. His first novel was recently released and the sequel is due out soon.

Reading W. S. Merwin in a New Century
Tim's chapter in this forthcoming book (due late 2022) deals with Zen in W.S. Merwin's life and in his poetry. This book will be the first of its kind since Merwin's passing, and the first such book to deal with Zen in Merwin's works.
(This book is not yet available for sale. See the Palgrave MacMillan website for details on its release date.

Beginner's Mind: An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
ISBN 0999092820
THIS “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED” BOOK has the goal of being both the most comprehensive introduction to date to all forms of Zen Buddhism, yet also a concise summary suitable for both beginners and seasoned followers of the Zen path. It covers the history of Zen since its beginnings as Chan Buddhism in China, through its spread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam, and then more recently to the West. Details are given of the practice of Zen in the West, what to expect when one attends a Zen center, what the options are for practicing Zen, and a brief summary of the principles of Zen.

Christ Way, Buddha Way
“In this brave and beautifully written book, Tim Langdell reveals the profound connections between the vision and practice of the Buddha and Jesus. Buddhists and Christians will be immeasurably helped by this work and so will seekers on all paths who value teachings that stress non-dual union with the real. This is both an impressive contribution and a moving personal testimony to a rigorous spiritual path and I salute and recommend it unhesitatingly.” —ANDREW HARVEY
“Written in the spirit of Thomas Merton’s Mystics and Zen Masters and Zen and the Birds of Appetite, this book brings out into the open the rich affinities between Buddhism and Contemplative Christianity.” —JAMES FINLEY, author of “Merton's Palace of Nowhere” and “Jesus and Buddha: paths to awakening”

The Rise of the Angeliti
This book answers the question that everyone has been asking themselves, “What would you get if you combined the wit of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with a touch of Lord of the Rings, a smidgen of Harry Potter, a hint of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with a soupçon of Monty Python’s Flying Circus?” London Times Best Selling Author, Tim Langdell, brings us a laugh-out-loud romp through a fantastical universe occupied by good devils and bad angels, where nothing is as it seems.

Dementia-Friendly Worship
This book, sold in support of Alzheimer's research, includes a chapter by Tim titled "Being with Alzheimers" in which Tim speaks of his work as a chaplain with dementia patients and how Zen can assist in working with such patients.

Coping with Vision Loss
Through literature, media, and cinema across the ages, the authors focus attention on how the masses worldwide who are sighted view, and treat, the blind and legally blind. It also includes non-fiction written about and by the blind that gives great insight into their condition. The text explains what the visually impaired and blind can do to stay strong and live their lives to the fullest, as well as what family members and friends can do to help when needed, or to back off when one wants to be as independent as possible. Technological advances to assist the blind and legally blind are reviewed.

Game Testing All in One
ISBN-13: 9781592003730
​The subject of game testing has remained largely unpublished as the game industry has exploded over the past couple of years. "Game Testing All in One" focuses on testing fundamentals, including how to create a test plan as well as how to set up a test case tree. It walks the reader through game testing basics, including topics like artificial intelligence, performance, and collision. It explores each of the major game genres and discusses key elements to consider when testing. This book also provides strategies to find job testing games, enabling the reader to walk away with a fundamental understanding of how the game industry works from the test perspective.

Game Writing
​As computer games become more and more like Hollywood productions, the need for good story lines increases. Research shows that stories are highly valued by game players, so today's studios and developers need good writers. Creating narrative--a traditionally static form--for games is a major challenge. Games are at their heart dynamic, interactive systems, so they don't follow the guidelines and rules of film or T.V. writing. Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames addresses these issues and is the first book written to demystify this emerging field.

The Spectrum Handbook
Now a classic, one of the first books on how to program your home computer. This book was written for the Sinclair Spectrum in 1983 at the height of the fervor for home computing in the UK. The book reached number five in the London Times Non-Fiction best-seller list, one place below Jane Fonda's Workout.